
Using local anesthesia, the dental surgeon makes an incision in the gums to expose the roots and the jaw bones. This way the area is better accessible for scaling and root planning. The inflamed tissue is then removed and the root surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. The gums are then placed back and sutured.

After care

After the surgery

After the gum surgery, the area should not be cleaned with a toothbrush, brush or toothpick until the stitches are removed, as this might cause damage. Rinsing with chlorhexidine inhibits bacterial growth until the stitches are removed. Of course, the other areas in the mouth must be cleaned in the usual way.

Sensitive gums
After the surgery, the teeth may temporarily be more sensitive to stimuli such as cold, warm, sweet, sour or touching because of exposure of a piece of the root.

Loose teeth
In the period right after the surgery, the teeth may become mobile. This is a normal temporary reaction to postoperative swelling of the tissue until the gums are tight around the roots again.